Wednesday, October 19, 2011


v  Mars is t the 4th planet from the sun.
v The distance from the sun is 207 million km.
v The mass is 6.4169x1023 kg.
v The diameter is 6,799 km.
v The rotation is 24h with 37 min and 23 sec.
v The revolution is 687 days
v Mars have 2 moons (Phobos and Deimos)
 and the type of the moons are terrestrial.
·         Red rocks.
·         Round and red.
·         There are serve dust storm at hurricane speed on the planet area.
·         Mars has a thinner atmosphere than the earth.

   Two interesting fact that mars have and the other
Planets don’t have are:
§  It has the red color
§  It is half of size of earth

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